CONSERVATIVE OPINION WRITER / JOURNALIST / PHOTOGRAPHER: Harris work has appeared on The Blaze, Daily Caller, WND, The Epoch TImes, The Federalist, The Washington Times, Renew America, America's Civil War Magazine, American Thinker, and other publications/websites. This is a compilation of her published work.
Thank you for your article on • True Whores of Babylon Exposed: Beyonce, Minaj, Cyrus.
What has happen to true womanhood? That woman that should set the example for all mankind. A terrible price they will pay when the second Babylon is destroyed. Be aware men, you also are responsible for embracing such filth.
Watch your language!!
Do you realize how many people sitting in church pews would be offended by such language within you’re article today? Do you know how many pastors would even deliver such a message? Not many.
I agree with you.. 200%!
Timely article. A writer at Townhall, Christine Rousselle in the last few days wrote about one of the whores of Babylon, miley. In it she indicated that yes, she is generally nothing to write about, but.. she did a nice thing for the homeless.
Right. All miley did was to promote miley and Christine helped to promote miley’s vulgarity, and give her another undeserved 15 minutes of ‘fame’.
I’ll email her a copy of True Whores. Unfortunately she’ll most likely never see it.
– Danny B.