March 26, 2025
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Jose B Sanchez
Jose B Sanchez
11 years ago

The religious right scares me as much as the doctrinaire left because they are made up of”true believers” who have a set of values so true that they may forced on nonbelievers. I subscribe to the view that my values are my own and may not be forced on others. Am I wrong?

Bob Herz
Bob Herz
11 years ago

Nice piece on dystopia. Needed that this morning, pulling all the threads together.

Gene Myrick ( formerjumper )
Gene Myrick ( formerjumper )
11 years ago

I so identify with your personal story this morning regarding your thirst for knowledge and the fact that you were so far ahead of your peers in your personal quest for learning. It is comforting to gain knowledge of a fellow traveler. I struck out on my own at 16 years old and never looked back. I did it the hard way, though. I became a success in many ways and now I am diving back into the pool I love so dear; reading the masters of the written language. You are a breath of fresh air. You made my day…

Bower Yousse
Bower Yousse
11 years ago

Just read “The Road To Dystopia.” WOW. Haven’t read anything in years that grabbed me and held me the way this commentary did. Thank you. I’ll share it on Facebook.

Alma M. Womack
11 years ago

I read your latest article on Dystopia, then read more articles on your webpage, and have been awed and delighted with your writing. I especially enjoyed “Sweet Betsy from Pike,” for the songs from that genre formed the basis of my childhood, and I sang them to my little girls, and now to their little boys. They all know that Sweet Betsy crossed the wide prairie with her lover Ike, that Susannah came from Alabama, Davy Crockett is king of the wild frontier, and that the Er..I..E was arising.

I am so happy to have found your page and will become a faithful reader. Would to God there were more like you in the media.

Alma M. Womack
Jonesville, LA

Merlin Perkins
Merlin Perkins
11 years ago

Thanks for “The Road to Dystopia” in AT. Thought provoking, to say the least.

Brian Talley
Brian Talley
11 years ago

I read with interest your recent American Thinker article, The Road to Dystopia. You’re obviously well-read, yet you conflate libertarianism with Rand’s Objectivism. I am a libertarian and know many others who are, yet none of us eschew religion or embrace Objectivism. There is no reason one cannot understand and embrace the values of non-aggression, wealth production and ownership, and a “moocher-free” state that also compels us to reject traditional Judeo-Christian values.

The recent surge of popularity in Rand’s books in recent years has less to do with the blind acceptance of Objectivism and more to do with wholesale rejection of the welfare state championed by big, interfering, collectivist government. It is also, in part, the rejection of the Republican party which very clearly stands for nothing in particular.

Libertarians such as myself do not condone drug use or homosexuality. But we understand rejection of such things must be at the personal, individual level. We must not abdicate personal responsibility for rejecting evil just as so many have abdicated personal responsibility for doing good. The left has worked tirelessly to ensure the government compels “charity” from us all through taxation, but money taken by force is not the same as money given out of love and compassion. Take the love and compassion away, and no healing – of those in need – can take place.

Attempting to reject evil with a legislator’s pen rather than through an individuals head and heart is similarly doomed to result in failure. People may understand that something is illegal without understanding why it is evil. That’s where we are today, sadly. Those on the right who mean to do well by drafting legislation to compel or prevent behavior themselves behave in ways indistinguishable from those on the left who seek to replace God with government.

Kind regards,


Scott Royer
Scott Royer
11 years ago

In your recent American Thinker piece, you made the statement;

“The original impetus of a Conservative worldview rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic is being replaced by a Libertarianism that lacks Biblical morality; and makes no apologies for doing so.”

I have been working on some writings which will define what I would call, “a unified theory of political ideology” but it really boils down to understanding the left and right at their most basic elements – which is most obviously that one acknowledges the authority of God, which the other attempts to usurp.

It is rare to read such clear writing as yours – thank you.

If you have any interest in my further thoughts please feel free to write back.

Glenn Fairman
Glenn Fairman
11 years ago

love your site and the audio. Your fan, Glenn Fairman