March 26, 2025
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Robert Bowie Johnson
11 years ago

Why look to Calvin, Luther, Wycliffe, or Wesley? Our apostle is Paul. He completed the Word of God (Colossians 1:25). You can’t beat being part of the body of Christ. Submission to any sectarian dogma diminishes our freedom in Christ. I wrote the following in response to today’s article, and want to be sure you saw it:
You want revival? Ignore the creeds and sectarian dogmas of Christen-dumb, and go back to Paul. Go first to his prison epistles: Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. They truly set us free. And make sure you have the most accurate translation: the Concordant Literal. And ask yourself this question: When did Paul cease being Christ’s commissioned apostle to the nations and the body of Christ? He never did. He still is “a teacher of the nations in knowledge and truth.” The problem is that Christen-dumb has largely abandoned Paul’s God-given evangel of the grace of God, in favor of salvation by works, however disguised.
Do you want to teach the truth competently? “You then, child of mine, be invigorated by the grace which is in Christ Jesus. And what things you hear from me (Paul) through many witnesses, these commit to faithful men, who shall be competent to teach others also” (II Timothy 2:1-2). Also see “A Truer God: The Supreme Spirit of Light and Love in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.”
I’d like to hear from you.