March 26, 2025
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Blake Brantley
11 years ago

There is much hope left in the world, I think.

Unfortunately, there are those that are astonished to think that the Soylent Corporation could ever happen.

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Green Energy Plan Incinerates Aborted Babies To Heat UK Hospitals by Blake Brantley

10 years ago

Read the article RE; Soylent Green and though its horror in the UK and US approached that of the ancient caananites must add that the only thing worse is late term abortion where the body of the baby is allowed to come out but stopped in order to “deal ” with the head.It is absolutely MONSTROUS what these people do! And get away with it by legalese technical terms,Please council the young women about getting a sonogram and the alternatives of adoption! ( I was adopted}. Had I not been and my life ended,would not be here to type out this WARNING!!The LORD is watching. Be blessed of GOD .Pray for our nation each and every day through July 7th I began yesterday evening.,& on the 7th day pray and fast 7 hours..this was communicated by Anne Graham Lotz caring for her husband whose health was reportedly deteriorating and had time to hear the Spirit speak with her!