By Susan D. Harris
“If you want to find out if someone understands Scripture correctly, ask them if they think Israel has a right to the land.”
In the 1980’s, when Hal Lindsey’s book, “The Late Great Planet Earth” was still popular, I was busy with high school and college. Frankly I wasn’t giving much thought to Bible prophecy. It was always in the back of my mind however – in a file marked “for future reference.”
And I believed I had all the time in the world. Most Bible prophecy was yet to be fulfilled: The coming of the Antichrist (who I believed would be a real person), the mark of the beast, the Gog and Magog war, and the armies that would surround Jerusalem – the burdensome stone.
As editor of the college newspaper, I covered Gorbachev’s reforms in the Soviet Union — Perestroika and Glasnost. The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was paving the way for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; “mutually assured destruction” would march into the history books.
I watched as the Berlin wall came down. I remember thinking, “Certainly Bible prophecy is a long way from being fulfilled. The Soviets are our friends; Communism is collapsing!” The world was destined for peace.
I had read the Bible as Holy book. I believed that my interpretation of its teaching and prophecy were revealed to me with divine guidance. Now there is a doctrine gaining steam in the churches, however, which wants to convince me that the divine guidance I’d experienced was all a lie.
Not too many years ago, I hadn’t ever heard of the terms “dispensationalist” or “futurist.” If anyone had mentioned “eschatology,” I would have thought it was a French word for the study of snails. And I most definitely had never heard of “Replacement Theology” or “Preterism” — the idea that all Bible prophecies that I expected to be fulfilled in the future — had already been fulfilled with the Siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of its temple in 70 A.D.
Not until I was faced with a Preterist that held these beliefs did I even know they existed. Worse yet, this Preterist was starting a Christian organization in my area and revealed to me that his secret goal was to convince Christians that their Futurist, Dispensationalist, end-times ideas were a manufactured lie. (He is currently working to spread his organization to 300 U.S. cities).
This man revealed to me that he was bitter that his late father had been “brainwashed” by “false teachers” like Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson. His poor father had died, he said, waiting for a Savior that never came. It sounded more like it wasn’t the father who had become disillusioned with his own beliefs; but his son – a son who turned to Preterism.
To hide the truth of his own bitterness, this Preterist blamed Futurist interpretations of Bible prophecy for every ill that befell America. He wrote:
“Modern American teachings on “the end times” are, in my perspective, half of the reason we have the apathy and complacency we do in the Church, and it will definitely be one of my objectives to challenge and confront what I consider to be false teachings through this ministry (in time).”
He said “in time” because he lures his followers by making them think he believes as they do, and intends to deceive them with the false doctrine of Preterism after he gains their trust.
The “apathy and complacency” he refers to apparently stem from Christians “sitting back and waiting for Jesus.” Only later would I learn that this is one of the main Preterist denunciations of Futurists (or Dispensationalists): Christians don’t become engaged in bettering the culture because Jesus is coming back soon — so they choose to sit on their hands.
Eventually I also learned that Preterists don’t support Israel because they do not see the Jews as God’s chosen people. In fact, they say God has been done with the Jewish people since the First Century A.D. because they rejected Christ. Consequently, Israel has no place in God’s future plan. It might sound inconsequential until you realize there is a strong undercurrent of anti-Semitism at the core of this belief; and its modern manifestation has some serious implications for our present day foreign policy…a foreign policy that increasingly contradicts the very basis of America’s historical support for Israel.
One pastor put it succinctly when he said, “If you want to find out if someone understands Scripture correctly, ask them if they think Israel has a right to the land.”
Recently I had a lengthy phone call from someone who I thought shared my “Futurist” beliefs. A friend as well as an editor, he wanted me to remove references to “end times scripture” in an article I’d written. Why? Because it had already been fulfilled in 70 A.D. I nearly fell over.
“If you read it in context…” he kept saying. I kept thinking, “There is so much more to my faith than reading something in context.” My faith, my relationship with God and the communication that passes between us is so much bigger than “in context.”
I don’t care to debate a Preterist on specific Bible verses. How can you debate a self-professed Christian who is willfully blind to the awesomeness of God’s predictions being fulfilled in news headlines daily?
(Those debates are perhaps better left to people like New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson who tackles Preterism head-on in his latest book, “When a Jew Rules the World.”)
Instead, my intention is to alert Christians that Preterism is spreading like wildfire, and it’s threatening an already dwindling amount of people who identify as Christians in America. It’s threatening because it destroys the exhortation to Christians to be “watchmen on the wall.” When you eliminate the watchmen, it becomes a salvation issue. The book of Ezekiel tells us:
“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take [any] person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”
Preterism, by its very nature, stifles Christians’ ability to warn people of what is coming upon the earth.
If, as the Preterist believes, the Antichrist was the Roman emperor Titus, there’s no sense in warning people about the beast (who will derive his power and authority from Satan) who is yet to come.
It follows that if there is no beast yet to come, there is no reason to dissuade people from receiving the “mark of the beast” – an act the Bible tells us will incur the wrath of God.
This brings us back to Preterism being a salvation issue and the fact that meddling with human’s salvation is the primary skill listed on Satan’s resume. Surely this doctrine is part of the great deception, a time when 2 Timothy tells us that people will “not endure sound doctrine,” and will “turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
It’s hard to believe that people can be convinced that all prophecies were fulfilled by 70 A.D., especially when you consider that miraculous day in May, 1948 when Israel became a nation in one day.
As I look back at events that have shaped the world since the 1980’s, I am shocked at how drastically the world has changed; how many things have fallen into place to fulfill Bible prophecies that were unthinkable a few short years ago.
As a Christian, I believe these things have been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit…just as they have been to millions of Christians – Christians who don’t need to be lectured to read the Bible “in context;” – Christians who have a higher authority than man assisting them in Bible interpretation. God is revealing his plan not only through his Word, but also through a higher frequency – discernment on the spiritual plane…the Comforter who was sent to teach us all things.
Be vigilant. Preterists are often secretive, hiding their beliefs, seeming to graze among congregations like wolves in sheep’s clothing. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask someone if they are a Preterist. The easiest thing might be to ask, “Do you think Israel has a right to the land?” The answer to that one crucial question reveals all you need to know about a person’s theology.
Published on RenewAmerica.
A MUST READ (click the title below to open the article):
Preterism: The Marxist’s Favorite Theological Tool by Joel Richardson
By Joel Richardson: “History shows that Marxist regimes have always made efforts to crush Christian movements. This was primarily due to the fact that the Biblical-messianic-utopian hopes of the Christian faith were in conflict with the Marxist-humanist-utopian vision. Marxism is not so much threatened by what Christians believe about Jesus dying on the cross for their sins, but rather what they believe with regard to the future eschatological messianic expectations.
This time around however, the Marxists are trying an entirely new tactic. They are infiltrating the Churches. And by altering a few key eschatological doctrines, they believe that they can reconcile Christianity with Marxism. Why the need to eradicate Christians when they can just as easily be converted and utilized as useful idiots for the Marxist cause? It’s far less bloody after all.
But in order for the Marxist conversion to take place, Christians must first abandon their traditional messianic hopes through the corrosive doctrine of Preterism.”
(Keep in mind “end-times” believers consist of pre-Trib believers, Mid-Trib believers, and Post-Trib believers. Everybody…)
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Who is the “god of this evil world”?
Satan, Francis.
Yes! And so IT IS that “whoever would be a friend of this world **usa inclusive** IS the enemy of Our FATHER and GOD”! (James 4:4)
Now why is that so?
Simply, “Our FATHER and GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS Only Begotten Son, so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have Everlasting Life”! (John 3:16)
And what did those of this evil world and religion’s way do? (John 7:7, I John 5:19; 2:15-17, James 1:27; 4:4)
They crucified The Messiah!
Yet, Thankfully TRUTH Will Always Rise Again!
And unless one “receives a love of The TRUTH they can not be saved” from their own self (“I”, ego, id, pride) life……. (II Thessalonians 2:10-13)
TRUTH IS! As The Messiah testified, “i can do nothing of my own self”……. And His brethren have REALized the same! (John 5:19,30; 8:28-29)
So IT IS “we cry unto Our FATHER and GOD day and night”……. (Luke 18:7)
Evermore sounding and resounding a Declaration of Dependence:
HE DID! and HE does…….
Thankfully, “The Peace that surpasses ALL understanding” IS! in spite of the dis-ease (no-peace) that is of this evil world, and/or religion’s way……. (Philippians 4:7, John 14:27; 7:7, I John 2:15-17; 5:19, James 1:27; 4:4)
ALL Thanks and Praise Be Unto Our FATHER(TRUTH, SPIRIT, CREATOR, GOD, LORD, MASTER, LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE,,,,,,, ALL IN ALL that which IS Truly GOOD)! (John 20:17, Mark 10:18)
Francis, I am copying here what my pastor, Chris Ashley, wrote on my Facebook page in answer to my request for his comment on this very column. My Facebook page is linked above in my first comment to Susan. But, here is what Chris said, to which I fully concur, as it is also my understanding of God’s Word:
The Bible says there will be those who try to lure people away from the truth. Preterists are just another in a long list of many. She is correct in many of her assessments, except the one about context. Context is always VITAL. Yes some prophesy was fulfilled in 70AD, but to say it all was fulfilled is to throw the book of Revelation completely out.
As far as Israel and God being finished with the Jewish people. Romans 11:16-36 records the illustration of the olive tree. This passage speaks of Israel the (“natural” branches) being broken off from the olive tree, and the Church (“wild” branches or shoots) being grafted into the olive tree. Since Israel is referred to as branches, as well as the Church, it stands to reason that neither group is the “whole tree,” so to speak; rather, the whole tree represents God’s workings with mankind as a whole. Therefore, God’s program with Israel and God’s program with the Church are part of the outworking of His purpose among men in general. Of course, this is not intended to mean that either program is of little significance. As many commentators have noted, more space is given in the Bible regarding God’s programs with Israel and with the Church than any of God’s other dealings!
In Genesis 12, God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation (the Jews), the Jews would possess a land, that nation would be blessed above all other nations, and all other nations would be blessed from Israel. So, from the beginning God revealed that Israel would be His chosen people on the earth, but that His blessing would not be limited to them exclusively. Galatians 3:14 identifies the nature of the blessing to come to all the other nations: “That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” All the nations of the world were blessed by Israel, through whom the Savior of the world came.
God’s plan of redemption is built upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, a descendant of David and Abraham. But Christ’s death on the cross is sufficient for the sins of the entire world, not just the Jews! Galatians 3:6-8 states, “Consider Abraham: ‘He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.’ Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: ‘All nations will be blessed through you.’” Finally, Galatians 3:29 says, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” In other words, in Christ, believers are counted righteous by faith in the same way that Abraham was (Galatians 3:6-8). If we are in Christ, then we are partakers of the blessing of Israel and all nations in the redemptive work of Christ. Believers become the spiritual descendants of Abraham. Believers do not become physical Jews, but they may enjoy the same type of blessings and privileges as the Jews.
Promises made to Israel are still going to be kept in the future. We can be sure that all God has said is true and will take place, because of His character and consistency. The Church does not replace Israel and should not expect a symbolic fulfillment of the promises of the Old Covenant As one reads Scripture, it is necessary to keep Israel and the Church separate.
Such has naught to do with the testimony i gave in the post you responded too!
So once again, for until “time is no more” The TRUTH always bears repeating!
You replied “Satan” to my question, “Who is “the god of this world”?
And i responded:
Yes! And so IT IS that “whoever would be a friend of this world **usa inclusive** IS the enemy of Our FATHER and GOD”! (James 4:4)
Now why is that so?
Simply, “Our FATHER and GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS Only Begotten Son, so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have Everlasting Life”! (John 3:16)
And what did those of this evil world and religion’s way do? (John 7:7, I John 5:19; 2:15-17, James 1:27; 4:4)
They crucified The Messiah!
Yet, Thankfully TRUTH Will Always Rise Again!
And unless one “receives a love of The TRUTH they can not be saved” from their own self (“I”, ego, id, pride) life……. (II Thessalonians 2:10-13)
TRUTH IS! As The Messiah testified, “i can do nothing of my own self”……. And His brethren have REALized the same! (John 5:19,30; 8:28-29)
So IT IS “we cry unto Our FATHER and GOD day and night”……. (Luke 18:7)
Evermore sounding and resounding a Declaration of Dependence:
HE DID! and HE does…….
Thankfully, “The Peace that surpasses ALL understanding” IS! in spite of the dis-ease (no-peace) that is of this evil world, and/or religion’s way……. (Philippians 4:7, John 14:27; 7:7, I John 2:15-17; 5:19, James 1:27; 4:4)
ALL Thanks and Praise Be Unto Our FATHER(TRUTH, SPIRIT, CREATOR, GOD, LORD, MASTER, LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE,,,,,,, ALL IN ALL that which IS Truly GOOD)! (John 20:17, Mark 10:18)
Francis, you need to distill your words down to a conversation level. What I posted has everything to do with, not only your comments, but what Susan wrote, too. What I posted is the Scriptural truth. You are simply copying and pasting what you already posted, which is Scripture with your brief comments, but you’re not acknowledging what anyone else is pointing out.
Why would anyone acknowledge that which is of “the father of lies”? (John 8:44)
For it is quite obvious that you are of those who “love this evil world” and your own self (“I”, ego, id, pride) life in and of it! (John 7:7; I John 2:15-17; 5:19, James 4:4)
Simply sad for you and all who have their portion with those who crucified The Messiah, and yet seek to crucify The TRUTH…….
Yet, while breath(spirit, air) is, Hope IS!
For TRUTH IS and Will Always Rise Again!
And Miracles do happen…….
Hope is there would be those who would experience The Miracle that IS “receiving a love of The TRUTH so that they might be saved” from their own self (“I”, ego, id, pride) life! (II Thessalonians 2:10-13)
HE DID! and HE does…….
ALL Thanks and Praise Be Unto Our FATHER(TRUTH, SPIRIT, CREATOR, GOD, LORD, MASTER, LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE,,,,,,, ALL IN ALL that which IS Truly GOOD)! (John 20:17, Mark 10:18)
WHAT did I post that “is of the father of lies”? Be specific. You’re just bloviating, Francis. Nothing I posted is not true to the Word of God. Can you speak in a normal voice without copying and pasting? Can you simply answer the question?
A proper question would be, “Why do you allow the father of lies to have his way with you”?
For you prove beyond a doubt why “a woman should remain silent”!
Sadly, you are of those who fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 3:12 to the utmost!
Simply sad for you…….
No. What’s really sad is your bastardization of Scripture (including your misinterpretation of women speaking. Hint: this is not in church, as Paul was talking about). What’s also sad is that you are unable to simply offer a counterpoint to what I posted. You are unwilling to engage in rational dialogue, and you have not refuted a single point I’ve made. Nothing I said is of the devil. I’m a Jesus-blood-bought Christian. You are apparently not soundly rooted in Scripture, or you would have no problem engaging a fellow Christian in discussion to give a reason for the strange words you write.
I’m sorry that Susan is not present on her page right now, or I would recommend that she admonish you or ban you, since you are like a “drive-by” commenter who is void of sense.
Thank you,
For now your own words “a fellow christian” prove you to be a liar, and of “the father of lies”!
Oh foolish woman, you dare declare me to be a “christian”!
Simply, pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters are a playground for “the father of lies”, he who is “the god of this evil world and religion’s way”!
Yer “religion” and “government(politics)” were, and are yet needful for the natural man! Those “disobedient and gainsaying (contradicting and opposing GOD) people” who are “stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart and ears”! (Romans 10:21, Acts 7:51, Exodus 32:9)
Needful for those who would rather have a man(liken unto Moses) speak to them than Our FATHER and GOD, and those who would rather have a man(liken unto Saul) rule over them than Our FATHER and GOD…… (Exodus 20:18-19, I Samuel 8:19-20)
And TRUTH IS! When the old covenant DID “decay, wax old and vanish away” with the destruction of the natural, earthly, temporal temple realm centered in old jerusalem, it was then that the “pharisee’s” who survived the destruction began to create pagan catholicism……. For such was the “religion” they had always “imag”ined, and dreamed of! (Hebrews 8:13)
And TRUTH IS! During the so-called “reformation” pagan catholic priests simply re-formed pagan catholicism as they cloned her harlot christian daughters!
So it is they are friends of this evil world and have their portion with the lie that is the worldly and pagan nation that calls itself “israel”! (John 7;7, James 1:27; 4:4)
“Come out of her(babel / confusion / babylon world religion), MY people”! (Revelations 18:4)
Goodbye, verbose Francis. I wish you the best. PS: I despise catholicism, which is an ideology born in the pit of Hell.
And her harlot christian daughters, born of her evil seed, have their way with multitudes of worldly and/or religious ones!
“Come out from among them and be separate”!
For The Faithful ARE Family, “The Family of Our FATHER and GOD both in Heaven and ON EARTH”! (Ephesians 3:15)
“A Household of Faith” indeed and TRUTH……. (Galatians 6:10)
ALL Thanks and Praise Be Unto Our FATHER(TRUTH, SPIRIT, CREATOR, GOD, LORD, MASTER, LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE,,,,,,, ALL IN ALL that which IS Truly GOOD)! (John 20:17, Mark 10:18)
As far as the “context” – my point was that it is the foundation of the Preterists arguments. Context is important, but they preclude the much larger influence of the Holy Spirit who guides us with our interpretations in that Holy Book (that would be the ’emotional, esoteric approach’ Tim Brown referenced in a comment on your Facebook page.) Every time a Preterist uses the term “in context” – what they are really saying is that they want you to interpret the Scripture in a contemporary manner to the time it was (supposedly) referring. Therefore you can never win the argument. Brown used the word “context” close to 25 times during our conversation, and each time it was used to COUNTER my own traditional interpretations. It became something similar to a club over the head. LOL
As I said in the article, I will not debate scripture by scripture because you will never beat a Preterist. It’s like debating an atheist. Sure it can be done, but why bother? At least with the more militant ones – it’s useless.
Yes, I had no intention of naming him publicly – out of personal respect for him, but since Tim Brown admits it was he on your Facebook page, I admit he was indeed the Preterist who asked me to call him and then blindsided me with the spiel. I believe he is a kind, good person — however, trying to shake down someone’s deeply held beliefs is not kind or good, and I believe it was an error in his judgement. I was quite upset for a long time after the call, and believe me, that’s not something I need in my life right now.
Ultimately I decided that I did not want my writing to be any kind of support for Brown’s Freedom Outpost, or for Bradlee Dean’s Sons of Liberty after Dean’s scathing attacks on “Christian’s Jesus-is-coming preoccupation” which can be heard here:
Brown was by no means the only Preterist I was referring to in the article however…the issue is much bigger, and the spread of it is downright scary.
As far as the “context” – my point was that it is the foundation of the Preterists arguments. Context is important, but they preclude the much larger influence of the Holy Spirit who guides us with our interpretations in that Holy Book (that would be the ‘emotional, esoteric approach’ Tim Brown referenced in a comment on your Facebook page.) Every time a Preterist uses the term “in context” – what they are really saying is that they want you to interpret the Scripture in a contemporary manner to the time it was (supposedly) referring. Therefore you can never win the argument. Brown used the word “context” close to 25 times during our conversation, and each time it was used to COUNTER my own traditional interpretations. It became something similar to a club over the head. LOL
As I said in the article, I will not debate scripture by scripture because you will never beat a Preterist. It’s like debating an atheist. Sure it can be done, but why bother? At least with the more militant ones – it’s useless.
Yes, I had no intention of naming him publicly – out of personal respect for him, but since Tim Brown admits it was he on your Facebook page, I admit he was indeed the Preterist who asked me to call him and then blindsided me with the spiel. I believed he was a kind, good person — however, trying to shake down someone’s deeply held beliefs is not kind or good. I was quite upset for a long time after the call, and believe me, that’s not something I need in my life right now.
Ultimately I decided that I did not want my writing to be any kind of support for Brown’s Freedom Outpost, or for Bradlee Dean’s Sons of Liberty — especially after Dean’s scathing attacks on “Christian’s Jesus-is-coming preoccupation” which can be heard here:
Brown was by no means the only Preterist I was referring to in the article however…the issue is much bigger, and the spread of it is downright scary.
Susan, the reality is that partial preterism is Biblical and that comes from studying Scripture in context. When I presented you with context of several key passages that were fulfilled in the past, you had no response. I told you I firmly believed in a Second Coming, resurrection and day of judgment. I agree that full preterists are presenting something that is not biblical, but then to lump all together and claim we are heretics is way beyond the scope of what Scripture.
I have never hid my thoughts on the matter as you accused me of in emails. I have openly corrected those looking at things that are judgment upon America as “last days” as simply judgment upon America for our disobedience towards God. You can hear that here: http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/07/law-god-gives-us-answer-nations-ills-called-repentance/
The problem is that God does not say something to you as an individual that is in direct opposition to what His Word says in context. It seems you are claiming that He does somehow. That, is problematic for sure.
Frankly, the comment that “trying to shake down someone’s deeply held beliefs is not kind or good” makes me shake my head. Did Jesus do that? Did John the Baptist do that? What about the apostles, Peter, Paul and John? Or the Old Testament prophets? Of course, they did. How in the world do we take the Gospel of Grace, that holds up the Law of God so men see their sin (deeply held beliefs and actions against the law of God 1 John 3:4) without “shaking them down”? How does that work? If you are not shaking up people’s worldview, then you are not providing them with a Biblical one, nor are you providing them a Biblical Gospel.
It’s fine that you chose to not publish. However, now you have gone public with things you are not even able to deal with honestly. That is very sad, considering you seem to support Hal Lindsey, who has been divorced several times and is clearly a false prophet as he was pushing for the return of Christ by 1988… then it was…. and then it was…. I think that makes the point.
Let’s move advance the kingdom of Christ, the One who is not waiting to rule on some throne in a postage stamp piece of land, but is ruling and reigning now from Heaven with his saints until all His enemies are placed under His feet…..then comes the end (1 Cor 15).
caps for empahasis
I think you are condemning the semi-preterists with the full preterist. Some semis are amils and postmil. And we believe in the second coming and that the end is centered on Jesus-not Israel.
I am condeming all Preterists. It shouldn’t even be in the Christian’s lexicon.
Better research those early church writers who views the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 as fulfillment of Jesus’ prophesy. The modern nation of Israel is a provocation and is not the prophesied Ezekiel’s valley of bones.
That nation of this evil world that calls itself “israel” IS of “the father of lies”, he who is “the god of this world” and religion’s way! (John 8:44, II Corinthians 4:4, James 4:4)
For TRUTH IS! There IS Only One Pure Religion and Undefiled”! (James 1:27)
And James 1:27 bears witness unto an ACTIVE FAITH, not a “dead letter” religious system!
However, religion’s way was and is yet needful for the natural man! Those “disobedient and gainsaying (contradicting and opposing GOD) people” who are “stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart and ears”……. Those who would rather have a man, than Our FATHER and GOD, speak to and rule over them! (Romans 10:21, Acts 7:51, Exodus 20:19, I Samuel 8:4:21)
Sadly, “because of pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters “The Way of TRUTH is evil spoken of””! (II Peter 2:1-3)
“Come out from among them and be separate”!
Simply sad for you and all worldly and religious ones……. For you but follow “the father of lies” along that “broad way to destruction and damnation”!
Yeah. Um. Good luck with that.
Exactly! Yet i have REALized that The Messiah’s GOD given Hebrew birth name was the same as Johshua(in today’s english) and that The Messiah WAS Immanuel for “Our FATHER was IN The Messiah reconciling the world unto HIMSELF”!
And what did those of this evil world and/or religion’s way do!
They crucified Him, yet Thankfully The TRUTH WILL ALWAYS RISE AGAIN!
ALL Thanks and Praise Be Unto Our FATHER(TRUTH, SPIRIT, CREATOR, GOD, LORD, MASTER, LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE,,,,,,, ALL IN ALL that which IS Truly GOOD)! (John 20:17, Mark 10:18)
I will answer your test question to show we are not secretive (we have a lot of published books (semi-preterist) . We don’t believe that racial Jews has no right to the Land of Palestine anymore. When that generation condemned and crucified the Lord -that nation was transferred to the church. Thus the land, the temple should not no longer be claimed by the Jews. Does this means -that there will no longer be a future revival with Israel for Christ? Romans 11 prophesies it -so we are waiting for that. Amils and Postmils are not Zionists -which I think you are- though we believe that Jews and any race should not be condemned nor be massacred like in the holocaust. Ultimately -it is us -his people -that condemned the Lord to the Cross. It is our sins that He paid for.
Sadly, what pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters call the “church” is but a playground for the devil!
Thankfully the brethren of The Messiah have their portion !NOW! in “The Family of Our FATHER and GOD”, “of WHOM the whole Family in Heaven and ON EARTH is named”!
“A Household of Faith” indeed and TRUTH…….
And our “citizenship IS !NOW! in Heaven, so it is we choose to remain but “aliens and pilgrims while on the earth”!
Your main point seems to be that Israel’s right to the land is the primary issue that will help you discern truth from error. It also seems that you assume the Jews in the land today are entitled to it due to their genealogical heritage that reaches back to Abraham. Keeping in mind that a large number (possibly a majority) of the Jews in Israel are atheists (so not religiously Jewish at all), is anyone physically descended from Jacob entitled to the land? If so, how about the millions of Muslim Kurds, Turks, and Persians who are at least somewhat genetically descendant from the Northern Kingdom that was scattered by the Assyrians? Do you think they have a right to the land as well?
Did Hitler write concerning the plague of the Muslim Kurds, the Turks and Persians? Or did he know who the Jews were? And now you do not?
Hitler had a good idea of who the Jews were. But they aren’t the only descendants from Jacob. What about the other ones?
Aw, look at ya; all sticking together. Isn’t that cute? The preterists are here to strut and shout their points while they PROVE MINE? You are ANTI-SEMITIC JEW-HATERS who want to deny ISRAEL HER LAND. And one of you will support another in his TOTALLY IDIOTIC QUESTIONS.
You must be controlled by Satan, or mentally ill to even be trumpeting ONE LITTLE BIT OF THIS DUMB DOCTRINE THAT MAKES NO SENSE.
Be gone Satan. The light hath no fellowship with darkness!
So, what about the other ones? Are the descendants of the Northern Kingdom as entitled to the land as the descendants of the Southern Kingdom?
By Joel Richardson: “History shows that Marxist regimes have always made efforts to crush Christian movements. This was primarily due to the fact that the Biblical-messianic-utopian hopes of the Christian faith were in conflict with the Marxist-humanist-utopian vision. Marxism is not so much threatened by what Christians believe about Jesus dying on the cross for their sins, but rather what they believe with regard to the future eschatological messianic expectations.
This time around however, the Marxists are trying an entirely new tactic. They are infiltrating the Churches. And by altering a few key eschatological doctrines, they believe that they can reconcile Christianity with Marxism. Why the need to eradicate Christians when they can just as easily be converted and utilized as useful idiots for the Marxist cause? It’s far less bloody after all.
But in order for the Marxist conversion to take place, Christians must first abandon their traditional messianic hopes through the corrosive doctrine of Preterism.”
Susan, are you on Facebook? I’m your fellow Renew America (and Freedom Outpost) writer, Gina Miller. I posted your column on my page, and it opened a small-but-intermediate can of worms. I’d love for you to come on there and offer your thoughts. Tim Brown also came on there. My page: https://www.facebook.com/wxrgina
YES, America has changed drastically since Hal’s book which was total baloney. He still believes Israel is to discover oil and become the RICHEST nation EVER SEEN! He is so fooled and does not know how to read the Bible which shows if God does not open your eyes you will never see!
Too many thinks have happened to America that points to her obvious destruction which is coming soon.
Not just the usa, but the whole evil world……. And soon, and very soon, “time will be no more”!
“Come out of her(babel / confusion / babylon world religion), MY people”!
I learned much from watching Hal Lindsey over the years. Nobody is perfect…except…I guess…you.
Wxrgina…what a bigoted and hateful thing to say about the Catholics religion….also a tremendous ignorant statement….if that is your private interpretation of the gospels…thank god I have sacred tradition, sacred scripture and the teaching church through its ordained magisterium which is over 2000 years old…..very sad to see the ignorance of the catholic faith here in rebellious America. Even Jesus was kind to those who were not of his faith. The Samaritan, the Roman official and even the pagans. If you really had a relationship with Jesus you would not be so hateful towards Catholics. 2Peter 1:20