CONSERVATIVE OPINION WRITER / JOURNALIST / PHOTOGRAPHER: Harris work has appeared on The Blaze, Daily Caller, WND, The Epoch TImes, The Federalist, The Washington Times, Renew America, America's Civil War Magazine, American Thinker, and other publications/websites. This is a compilation of her published work.
The browning of America is continuing unabated. Where I live I drive past the high school I grew up and the demographics have changed entirely.
I see nothing but brown skins up and down the street. 95% seem to be brown skins. Whereas 40 years ago they made up about a turd or less.
This nation will no longer be white in 40 years or less. It will we be on frigg’n mess. I can see it already. Everywhere clogged with cars and brown skins and other darkies. It is amazing and a little frightening I might be in the minority one day in my own backyard!
Yes, and interestingly, Ann Coulter has been clobbered for using the term “the browning of America” – when in fact it was made popular by Progressive shills like Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.com/melissa-harris-perry/watch/how-the-browning-of-america-is-imminent-309395011533
I would like to ask you a question. Would you rather live in a white neighborhood or a negro one?
LOL! Look whose talking.
Thanks for engaging in discussion on my website. The other person was out of bounds for my posting rules so I deleted his comments. He’s welcome to comment and share his opinions without being abusive or swearing. Have no idea what his problem is, but I hope God watches over him and brings him to Jesus Christ.
And I’d like to add it is the *culture* they bring with them that is the problem. It’s the person, not the skin color.
I always loved the black culture. The jazz musicians I met, both black and white were generally thoughtful artists and intellectuals with a spiritual bent. It is a different culture today. There is an angry attitude prevailing. I never thought about skin color and was always surprised when others did.
I never thought much about people in terms of colour before Obama. Now, I look at a black person and I think to myself “do they hate me, are they going to attack me, are they going to scream at me if I talk to them” Really sad.
Well said, and so prevalent now.
I actually found your website due to your awesome piece on the Illumaniti and the power that conspiracy theories can have against Christians. Great read by the way! However this article makes me cringe. First I must say it is thick with stereotypes and the usual…but I “had” black friends statement to try NOT to seem racist. As a black person in America and a high school teacher, I am well aware of the issues that plague my race but I do not make negative generalizations as you have done. We are not all violent thugs. There are issues yes, but many of them were created by the government after the victories of the civil rights movement. Sadly, the scheme to destroy black America has prevailed.
I didn’t use “had black friends” to try not to seem racist. I meant it past tense because I’ve lost touch with many friends after spending 8 years taking care of my father with Alzheimers. As for the rest of what you said, I think you are must be a troll because your last sentence states that there is a scheme to destroy black America. So … I can’t believe anything else you say.