By Susan D. Harris
Recently the National Journal ran a story crediting Florida Republican David Jolly’s victory, in part, to reminding people that a defeat could move U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi “one step closer to reclaiming the speaker’s gavel.”
If the Republican Party were serious about winning in order to reclaim the country for Conservative values – which they are not – they should keep playing video clips of Liberals most incriminating moments. For instance, President Obama’s famous quip to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney regarding Russia: “The 80s called, they want their foreign policy back.” This should be played over and over and over again. It should be made into a hip-hop music video with a voice-over against the backdrop of Maidan Square in Kiev, where mounds of flowers and makeshift memorials remember those killed. It should be set against a background of Russian tanks rolling through Crimea.
Instead of making those boring biographical films showing Republicans at home sipping iced tea and talking about family values, they should show a constant barrage of videos reminding people of Democrats worst moments. Heaven knows they could make a feature-length film when it comes to Nancy Pelosi. I’d like to offer some of my picks for the best (or worst) Pelosi moments:
1) “My favorite word is “The Word” (Two words).
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I seriously doubt anyone ever asked her what her favorite “word” was, nor do I believe people are always clamoring after her to get a list of her “favorite things;” such as raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens. Her huge ego in making such ridiculous claims seemed grotesque when she proceeded to talk about “The Word,” being careful not to mention Jesus by name then saying, “fill it in with anything you want.” (I’m sure Jesus appreciated that caveat.) And you didn’t hear the liberals screaming about separation of church and state when she said the Word needed to be kept in mind when making “public policy.” Later she refused to answer a reporter’s question about whether the Word was made flesh at conception or birth: “Whenever it was, we bow our heads when we talk about it in church.” (That the ‘big girl’ answer she was forced to give instead of “Can I go to my room now?”)
2) Pelosi’s 2007 Treason Tour:
Bush asked her not to go to Syria, but she defied White House foreign policy and tripped the light fantastic; buying sweets and laughing like a school girl through Damascus bazaars. Pelosi glowed with teenage titillation as she donned the misogynist head covering and trotted down cobblestone streets telling the world that Syria’s Assad was ready to engage in peace talks; and telling Syria that Israel was ready to do the same. This caused an international incident as Israeli Prime Minister Olmert scrambled to make it clear she had misrepresented him. This sickening attempt at, “let’s tell both sides the other one wants to talk and maybe they’ll get back together” works better if your best friend broke up with her boyfriend. Otherwise you could (oops) start WWIII.
3) The Obamacare Horselaugh
March 2010: The Senate passes the Affordable Care Act i.e. Obamacare. As one paper said, “It appears history in healthcare and politics is on the brink of writing a new chapter in the annals of this great nation.” It certainly was. Previous to the vote, Pelosi carried an oversized gavel (lent to her by Rep. John Dingell) and walked to the House Chamber to show everyone they meant business. On the way, the famous horse-laugh picture was taken, as Pelosi threw her head back to carry out her trademark “little girl laughing hysterically” performance – the mark of a true statesman. Little did we know she was laughing at all Americans – the disabled, the elderly, the unborn, cancer patients…and everyone who ever needed a doctor.
4) We have to pass the bill so you can see what’s in it
Let’s not take it out of context; she also said the Affordable Care Act was “going to be very, very exciting.” In one of the most repulsive displays of government overreach and personal arrogance, Pelosi summed up the modus operandi for the Obama administration: “We’re passing the legislation with or without you.” Never one to back down, she later said, ““I stand by what I said there: when people see what’s in the bill, they will like it…” – as if she were making a surprise dish for her candlelight supper.
5) Republicans were responsible for Benghazi
With her Wonder Woman deflecting bracelets carefully fastened, Pelosi appeared with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and immediately blamed the Benghazi terror attacks on Republican’s — saying they gave the Obama administration “$300 million dollars less than it asked for the State Department, including funding for security.” She went on to say that the Benghazi investigation was politically motivated. Well there, that’s over with.
6) Sochi was a bad choice because of Russia’s anti-gay laws
Really? That’s the only reason she can come up with?
Apparently waking up from a long nap, on February 7, 2014, Pelosi said she was “disappointed” that Russia was chosen as the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics because of Moscow’s position on LGBT rights. Apparently no one informed her that the site was announced back in 2007. But then again, it’s all in the timing and pleasing your constituents.
The list goes on – please feel free to add your own.
Every Congressional fight must be bitterly fought to keep the House gavel from this traitor’s hands. Let’s hope that Rep. Jolly’s victory is a harbinger for the Democratic Party.
Pelosi celebrates her 74th birthday this month. Sen. Harry Reid will be 75 later this year. It’s time for these poster children for term limits to be put out to pasture.