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Renowned journalist and Middle East expert Caroline Glick says Israel is now facing dangers from a quarter no one anticipated: The Biden administration.
During yesterday’s broadcast of “The Caroline Glick Show” on JNS TV, Glick outlined how her own sources described what’s been happening behind-the-scenes.
Speaking from her home in Israel, Glick said “we are in danger of losing … sovereign control over our military.”
She then presented what sources told her really happened when Secretary of State Tony Blinken met with Israel’s war cabinet on Monday.
“From what came out of the meeting, Tony Blinken wasn’t trying to help Israel at all, what he was doing was demanding that Israel enable resupply to Gaza, the euphemism of which is “humanitarian aid.” She continued to say that Blinken threatened to withhold American war material from Israel, such as bunker buster bombs and regular ordinance.
And Israel didn’t just decide to invite Biden, his administration demanded that Israel invite him, she said, adding, “I don’t know; ask his presidential campaign.”
While Israel’s forces have been being held in limbo at the Gaza border, those charged with carrying out the mission began demanding they be allowed to go in. They cited difficulties in maintaining the readiness and morale of troops as well as a loss of the momentum they had after the October 7th massacre. Glick said that lapse in time also allowed the international media to turn on Israel. “We have all these Hamas supporters throughout the Western world who are feeling empowered, and not unreasonably given the backing they’re receiving from the media.”
Most disturbingly, Glick said commanders at the southern border were told “We can’t do anything until Biden leaves. So that Biden is literally acting as a human shield for Hamas — so long as he hasn’t arrived yet, and hasn’t left yet, their terror state is going to be free from invasion.”
She continued to stress that demands to get humanitarian aid to Gaza are demands to resupply Hamas because they control every person and inch of land in Gaza. She then pointed to a Tweet from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) that read: “UNWRA received reports that yesterday a group of people with trucks purporting to be from the Ministry of Health of the de facto authorities in Gaza, removed fuel and medical equipment from the Agency’s compound in Gaza City.” That Tweet quickly disappeared as fast as UNWRA “put up this thing disavowing the social media posts claiming that Hamas had been plundering their offices.” Ironically, Glick said that reports that have come out over the past many years have shown that most of the UNRWA employees in Gaza are members of Hamas.
According to Glick, this further supports the fact that Tony Blinken sat for 7 hours with Israel’s war cabinet demanding they resupply Hamas.
Just before Glick’s broadcast was released, UNRWA reported that an alleged Israeli strike on an UNRWA school had killed six people, and that Israel showed “a flagrant disregard for the lives of civilians,” adding, “No place is safe in Gaza anymore, not even UNRWA facilities.”
But again, as Glick points out, Hamas has a history of launching its missiles from beneath UNWRA schools and hospitals.
Making matters worse, the U.S. said they would supply Israel with the bombs, but they weren’t allowed to use them against the missile launching sites, i.e., the UNRWA schools and hospitals.
It is well known that “Hamas military headquarters have been, for years, located under Shifa Hospital,” Glick said.
What Glick described about Blinken’s demands amounted to blackmail: If Israel didn’t open up a humanitarian corridor, i.e., allow Hamas to be resupplied, the U.S. wouldn’t provide the bunker buster bombs and the ordinance for Israel’s fighter jets. Without those things, IDF ground forces would likely be slaughtered like the victims of October 7th.
Adding insult to injury, Glick’s sources said the U.S. told Israel they weren’t allowed to “open up a war” with Lebanon despite being bombed from Hezbollah in the north.
Glick questioned whether American carrier ships in the Mediterranean were actually providing any deterrent, citing constant shelling from Lebanon and deaths reported in the Israeli community of Matula on Tuesday. She summarized the situation this way:
“Hezbollah has 150,000 missiles pointing in our direction and the United States is saying that we’re not allowed to open an operation to blunt that … I mean the amount of fire power directed against us is equivalent of a nuclear bomb and the United States says no, you can’t take that out. We’re not going to support you if you do.”
Glick blamed this on the Israel-Lebanon maritime deal in 2022 that the “Americans shoved down Israel’s throat on the eve of our elections.” That deal, she claimed, has a “secret annex that bars Israel from attacking Lebanon.”
In a rare emotional monologue, she pointed out what we’ve known all along — the United States has been arming and funding the enemies of Israel. (Glick doesn’t gloss over Obama’s contribution to this mess either.)
Responding to Biden’s one word for those threatening Israel, “Don’t,” Glick asked, “Where’s the ‘or else?’ What are you going to do? Because (on Wednesday, October 18th) the U.N. sanctions that bar Iran from selling or purchasing ballistic missiles on the international market are set to expire … Iran is going to be able to purchase and sell as many ballistic missiles wherever it wants, to whoever it wants, at whatever price.”
Richard Goldberg, a member of the National Security Council under the Trump administration, said the removal of sanctions on Iran “will be a huge victory for Tehran that is simply serving as a reward for terrorism and proliferation around world.”
Concluding her remarks, Glick questioned the roles of agents in Biden’s administration like Ariane Tabatabai, who despite being outed for checking in with Iran’s Foreign Ministry before U.S. policy meetings, has never been fired. Also in her focus were Hady Amr, the 1st United States Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs (born in Lebanon) and appointed by Biden in 2022, as well as Maher Bitar, the Palestinian American in charge of the flow of intelligence for the Biden White House.
You can see Glick’s full show here:
The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden is Coming to Israel | The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS – YouTube
By Susan D. Harris – Originally published here on American Thinker:
Is Israel’s biggest danger from the Biden White House? – American Thinker