By Susan D. Harris
I am reposting my 2017 article due to it’s relevance to current events
Pope Francis is becoming a rock star with refugees – his hip picture on Caritas.org looks like a still from a Beyoncé video. The Catholic Church kicked off its two-year “Share The Journey” campaign on September 27,, 2017. It’s a program designed to reprogram Westerners (but mostly those stubborn colonialist American holdouts,) into believing that Jesus Christ was a refugee and that rejecting an immigrant, legal or illegal, is a mortal sin. (Check out the “simulation floor plan” on WeDidNothingWrong.org — a related website — which demonstrates “suggested exercises” for conditioning students to accept, empathize with, and “engage” immigrants.)
After writing about Caritas “Share the Journey,” campaign, I received an email from a lady in California who wrote: “Please investigate the church’s growing relationship with PICO — a Soros and like-minded groups-funded community activist organization that, with regard to churches, uses the nom-de-plume Faith in Action, or some variant. Among PICO’s founders and the current board chairman is Fr. John Baumann, a disciple of Saul Alinsky.” (Indeed Fr. Baumann quite openly discusses his great admiration for Alinsky here.)
Unfortunately, I was already drowning in quicksand trying to compile a list of “Interfaith” organizations that were pushing the pro-immigrant (especially pro-Muslim) agendas. In my area, the interfaith group funded an entire mosque; I assumed similar things were occurring elsewhere. I wondered if they were all connected. Harvard University’s Pluralism Project seemed to be the only place cataloging these organizations and looking at America’s “interfaith infrastructure,” thanks to a grant from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations (AVDF). (AVDF funds the Hartford Seminary’s fellowship program for Christian-Muslim relations and seminars like “Religious Leadership in an Interfaith World.” This is working out so well that at least one alumnus was moved to write “The Islamization of Hartford Seminary” in 2016.)
A CEO at one interfaith organization I talked to told me he believed none of the various city or state organizations were connected. Instead, he believed them to be organic and coincidental; whereas I was finding them about as organic as The Boys from Brazil. Harvard’s project seemed to favor my own research as they state:
“It became clear in our research that local organizations often are dynamically linked to national or, sometimes international, initiatives.”
Boom – that’s all you need to know. All the interfaith community organizers at your local level are working toward the same globalist/multicultural/sustainability/social justice goals because they are all funded and guided by the same organizations that pride themselves on “interfaith” philanthropy. Not surprisingly, grant money is scattered through documents and time:
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations – Grants overview
The Ploughshares Fund 2007 Annual Report
The El-Hibri Foundation who sponsored the 2015 “10 Things You Must Know About Overcoming Differences;” which featured the Program Officer from The Ford Foundation speaking on “Championing Racial Justice.”
And The Ford Foundation leads us back to the funding of Harvard’s “Pluralism Project” which conducted research to find out what they already knew — they’re all connected!
Here it might be interesting to mention the 2006 book that documents how the iterfaith movement began targeting youth. “Building the Interfaith Youth Movement: Beyond Dialogue to Action” documents the first National Interfaith Youth Work Conference organized by the Interfaith Youth Core at the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2003 — which was funded by The Ford Foundation and Harvard University’s Pluralism Project. (Did you catch your tail yet?) It’s also an interesting caveat that the woman who manages “the most important research project on religious diversity in the U.S.” (the Pluralism Project), is a practicing Wiccan.
The website Inside Philanthropy found it hard to track the money these interfaith organizations receive. They admit:
“… an array of…funders have supported initiatives aimed at pushing back against anti-Muslim sentiments and fostering interfaith dialogue. Groups that have received backing for such work include the Interfaith Alliance, Sojourners, the Shoulder-to-Shoulder Campaign, and New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. Because most of these groups work on a range of issues, it’s difficult to identify grants that specifically have supported their work on Islam.”
Along with the Catholic Church’s “Share the Journey” project, there are a plethora of auxiliary organizations dedicated to dragging the United States down into a Muslim dominated, globalist hellhole via interfaith fly paper. If you want to play Six Degrees of George Soros, let’s start with the interfaith ShoulderToShoulderCampaign.Org which leads us to “8.5 Million; Your sources on Muslim, Arab and South Asian issues,” which leads us to ReThink Media which leads us to George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
I’m sure my interpretation of what’s happening would be considered intolerant at a tolerance-teaching interfaith meeting: As an evangelical Christian, it sounds like we’re being herded toward the one-world religion the Bible warns us about.
There’s an old spiritual that laments: “Everybody talkin’ ’bout heav’n ain’t goin’ there.” The same applies here. All of these organizations with goals screaming “peace” “democracy” “freedom” and “justice” will ultimately undermine each one. They’re on par to implement their multiculturalist, globalist, world-without-borders agendas, and they’ve used Christian good will and American religious freedom to do it.

Originally Published in the Washington Times 10/17/17