March 26, 2025
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Dan S
Dan S
11 years ago

While I agree with your analysis of Herblock, comedy as an instrument of derision did not really come into it’s own until it hit the “small screen”.
I was appalled to come home from the service in 1968 to see my conservative parents laughing a Archie Bunker, not realizing that the whole purpose of the show was to denigrate the conservative position.

will otoole
11 years ago

I read with great enjoyment your article on cartoonist Herb Block. I too cartoon and can tell you how difficult it is for a conservative or right of center artist to be hired by the MSM. I HAVE had to fight my way through and when I am hired some liberal editor gets rid of me using the euphemistic “budget cuts” to abolish my work from the medium. Just want you to know , we are out there trying our best to win back the hearts minds and souls of the American people.

Isaac B.
Isaac B.
11 years ago

Ms. Harris,

Your piece on Herbert Block was, if nothing else, a fascinating read. I think, however, and setting aside your strange use of the word “oxymoronic,” that you abandon all notions of objectivity. In that I don’t mean to say that you don’t know what you’re talking about (which you clearly do), or that you have a political bias (which you clearly do). The thing about the piece is that for all that you know about him, you don’t seem to understand Mr. Block as a discrete individual.

It strikes you as “oxymoronic” for him to be in favor of the New Deal and Civil Rights. You can’t seem to fathom how he could, with consistent thought, oppose both Father Coughlin and Senator McCarthy. You operate from this place where those positions are inconsistent, rather than try to write about Mr. Block in his world, where they are not.

There’s more to say about your piece, which like many it accompanies on the front page of The American Thinker, always finds a way for conservative failings to be the fault of liberals, one way or another, but I won’t be the one to say it. I would try to explain that the only reason humor is a weapon of the left is because conservative attempts at it seem to fail tremendously, but I expect that would fall on deaf ears.

Best regards,
Isaac B.

David Kilfoile
11 years ago

Dear Susan,
I am not going to try and take you to task on this essay or any of your essays because that would be a lie…and you Susan…only deal in truth.

You are a great American!!