By Susan D. Harris
Andrea Bocelli’s “Music for Hope” performance at the height of the worldwide COVID lockdowns garnered 25 million views. Performing at an empty Milan cathedral, it was the cutaway shots to empty cities that were the most gut-wrenching: Empty streets in Rome and Madrid, empty highways in Warsaw, not even a fly sitting under the Eiffel Tower, Trafalgar Square enveloped in a post-nuclear-war-like stillness, and Cape Town, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, and New York following suit. For many of us who watched it live, there was nothing hopeful about it. You wanted to crawl under your bed and die in a quiet desperation worse than anything Thoreau could imagine.
Those are the moments we must never forget — when the globalists stopped the world from spinning and then victoriously shoved our noses in it.
Where did those 25 million video viewers go? Three years later, the third International COVID Summit in Brussels only gets a couple of hundred thousand views. It seems nobody wants to take the time to listen to the truth about why all those streets were empty. The top comment under the COVID Summit YouTube video states, “Never forget what they did! All those who went along with the COVID fascism need to be held accountable!” (Hat tip to Juznik.)
Apparently, as Dr. John Campbell points out, the European Parliament seems to allow more freedom of expression concerning the realities of COVID than most countries. (I’ve written about the importance of Dr. Campbell’s COVID coverage here and here.)
Referring to the COVID Summit, Campbell asks “Why is there no media coverage of this at all? Why is it being ignored? It’s quite incredible really.”
The International Covid Summit III was held earlier this month in Belgium, and bills itself as a “safe haven” for doctors, lawyers and professionals from all over the world to unite and discuss their experiences with Covid-19 and everything related to it. (The Wikipedians have apparently decided not to create an article about the summits.)
At the conference, they point to October 2021 as being a pivotal point in many people’s views of everything COVID, from lockdowns to jabs. I have to say I believe that is when most folks I know began to question the narratives as well.
MEP Cristian Terhes begins the after-summit press conference by explaining that the presenters consisted of “researchers and professionals who were analyzing and dealing with the coronavirus for many years.” At the core, they were professionals presenting their findings. He soon turns the microphone over to Dr. Robert Malone, who some might recognize as the berated “COVID misinformation star” who was disparaged by the New York Times and labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by Forbes.
Others may recognize him as the voice of reason. Dr. Malone didn’t pull any punches at the press conference. Speaking unscripted, he said of the COVID jabs:
I would like to … emphasize one of the key findings that ran all the way through the presentations, which is that in fact there are people who are vaccine injured. This is something that has been suppressed by all channels of … corporate media and governments — that there are these individuals who are in fact vaccine damaged and they have not been allowed to speak. They have had their experiences suppressed, they have been demeaned, they have been gaslit and they are … damaged in large part consequent to the rush of this product without adequate testing.
He goes on to say that by actively bypassing European medical agencies, the US FDA and others, they had incurred unfortunate consequences.
He continued speaking about the vaccine injured, and had a request for those in attendance:
I now ask for Europe and the European Parliament to please consider that these individuals who have been subjected to so much — they’ve not only been damaged by the mandated products and the vaccine passport requirements … in order to just engage in their daily activities to be employed … or in lieu of not being vaccinated they’ve lost their jobs … their livelihoods … I strongly encourage that we acknowledge these individuals, that we work together and that the European Union might provide leadership in helping to discover and identify potential treatments and therapies so that they can be made whole … and that they be compensated for the damages they’ve incurred as a consequence of the policies that have been implemented throughout the EU, the United States, Canada, New Zealand Australia and across the world. So that’s my plea.
Malone then called the World Health Organization (WHO) an “abysmal failure” as he condemned them for seeking money and control via their proposed pandemic preparedness treaty.
(In a must-see interview with GBNews Neil Oliver, Malone discusses the WHO treaty and the threat to national sovereignty. “In an environment in which a government feels it is acceptable to deploy advanced PSYOPS on their citizens, the concept of sovereignty becomes obsolete.” You can see the complete interview here.)
The 23-minute press conference at the conclusion of the international summit, including Dr. Malone’s courageous comments, can be seen here.
With the ongoing work of organizations like the International Covid Summit, there’s a good chance we may we never again be forced to watch the unprecedented images of a world silenced by tyranny.
Originally published in American Thinker:
Dr. Malone: The vaccine-injured have been suppressed, demeaned and gaslit – American Thinker