There is not one single thing more important in the corporal world right now than the information being dispensed by Dr. John Campbell. Why? Because it concerns the dead, informs the suffering and is critical for the future well-being of humanity. I truly believe that; and Campbell’s nearly 3M YouTube subscribers would certainly agree. Furthermore, every single healthcare provider with an ounce of ethical discernment, medical judgement or moral responsibility should be standing shoulder to shoulder with Campbell to push back against the globalist medical cabal that has sucker-punched the world with it’s shameful response to the COVID pandemic.
Campbell has played a central role in the promulgation of alternative viewpoints challenging every single COVID narrative dictated by government decree and echoed by mainstream media puppets. And thankfully, for reasons so far unknown, YouTube has not yet stopped him. With months of surreptitiously crafted videos designed to outwit censors, it seems almost implausible that YouTube is not fully aware of what he’s saying. With every new video, his viewers say to themselves, “He’s really done it this time. He’s called out the powers that be. He’s pushed the envelope as far as it will go.” And yet the following day and every day afterward finds him “following the evidence wherever it leads” — a favorite motto splashed across his video backdrop that guides his quest for the truth.
Based in England, Campbell is a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E (Accident and Emergency) nurse. He began posting videos on YouTube in 2008 to help students “learn the background to all forms of health care.” He has a Master of Science degree in Health Science and a Ph.D. in nursing. His record is impressive, with a 2013 article from a University of Cumbria magazine detailing how he’s distributed his own textbooks in Cambodia, Malawi and Kenya, and how his videos are used as online learning resources in most English speaking countries.
In short, it seems that everything in his life has been preparing him for a time such as this … from his own medical training to the recognition of his development of new ways to present educational material, for which he was awarded his Ph.D. This has been no flash-in-the-pan YouTube star, but a highly educated communicator that has brought in nearly 606M views to his YouTube channel to date.
Viewers click in to hear his simple, straightforward teaching and reasoned commentary on the greatest issue of our generation — the pandemic and everything surrounding it.
One of the most fascinating dynamics of Campbell’s pandemic oeuvre is his evolution from being a medical industry insider — towing the line of the powerful profession that birthed him — to becoming a full-fledged skeptic and risk-taking revolutionary.
You heard that right, Campbell’s first Coronavirus videos were simply an unquestioning conveyance of NIH and CDC guidelines and directives. Eventually, however, this earnest and dutiful professional would realize, with every drip of information released to the public, that he was being betrayed by a bureaucracy of group-think … and lies.
This was the man that was quoted by Forbes magazine early in the pandemic as saying: “Conspiracy theories aren’t good in healthcare. That sort of thing going on — it’s never helpful. Stick to the facts.” And of whom Forbes reported, “He sticks to the published details and urges anyone else to do the same.”
It’s hard to say at exactly what point Campbell began to pivot, but many think it may have begun with Vitamin D.
In July of 2020, Campbell tells his audience:
I still consider that … vitamin D deficiency is a global pandemic and is predisposing people to a wide variety of conditions, infections, and making COVID 19 more likely to be symptomatic, possibly more likely to contract in the first place, and the person with vitamin D deficiency [is] more likely to develop severe complications.
He then challenges the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), a U.K. group that advises many government agencies on health matters:
The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition … is saying take 400 IU a day but the data I found for adults … is saying 1500 to 2000 IU per day with an upper limit of 10,000 … We see a big disparity between the official UK government recommendations and the recommendations I’ve got from … the scientific literature.
Campbell continued to recommend and investigate vitamin D, culminating in his latest video, “Vitamin D, now conclusive” in which he states:
I now believe it’s unethical for authorizing bodies, that is the healthcare regulatory authorities, the FDA and people like this around the world, not to advise vitamin D supplementation for poorly people and arguably for the whole population … but they are not doing that.
(The vitamin D video contains a caveat we cannot leave out. As Campbell prepares to dissect the latest definitive research from leading scientists in Italy, Saudi Arabia and Spain, he comments, “Nothing from the United States, nothing from the United Kingdom. Why not? It really begs that question. Why not?”)
As for the vaccine, Campbell himself is vaccinated and started out very supportive of mass vaccinations. A good example of this comes from his May 2021 video where, when discussing the unvaccinated, he said, “Not only have these people gotten sick themselves, they’ve probably spread the virus around.” Visibly upset he added, “I’m trying to restrain not getting cross here.”
Fast forward to 2023, where he’s taken a hard look at the effect of messenger RNA vaccines on the immune system with Australian immunologist Dr. Robert Clancy. This video should be viewed by everyone who is still pushing the COVID vaccine. In it, Campbell and Clancy discuss how the vaccine could induce an autoimmune inflammatory response, potentially leading to a new illness or disease process. The vaccine, which most people know by now is not a vaccine but a form of genetic engineering, is not individualized the way it would be if it were being used to attack a certain type of cancer. Instead, in the case of the COVID jab, the “unaddressed” mRNA molecules becomes uncontrollable once injected in the body. Dr. Clancy explained:
You can’t control where they go, you can’t control how much of the antigen they make and you can’t control how long they do it … So in a sense it’s all about “you can’t control [it]” once you put [it] into the body. You cross your fingers and you hope it does the right thing.
Over on Rumble where free speech still reigns, Campbell released a video this past December titled, “Time to pause covid mass vaccination” calling for an end to the U.K. vaccine rollout programs “due to the risks associated with the vaccines.” The video was also posted on his Twitter feed; and while he tries to get the word out using other platforms, many of his YouTube subscribers don’t seem to be aware that they can often hear their esteemed informer speak more freely on Rumble or Twitter (where he only has 74k and 68k respectively.)
About four months ago, Campbell received an “Active Community Guidelines strike” warning from YouTube, and although he wasn’t at liberty to divulge the cause, one could infer that it was for his analysis of Ivermectin. (In his video titled, “Ivermectin clarification” he discusses fellow risk-taking revolutionary Russell Brand receiving a similar strike.) YouTube’s COVID-19 medical misinformation policy mentions Ivermectin numerous times, a fact they may eventually regret when millions of people wake up to the fact that loved ones may have been saved if not for blocked or withheld information.
Roughly two weeks ago, Campbell posted “Ivermectin saving lives in Africa,” an interview with Professor Colleen Aldous, medical researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The findings revealed that acutely ill COVID sufferers in Zimbabwe in 2020, who did not have access to oxygen, were saved with an ivermectin based protocol. The peer-reviewed study, that obviously has ramifications for the world over, only has about 10,000 views on Rumble.
There is almost no medical aspect of the pandemic and it’s aftermath that Campbell has not only covered but supported with the science he loves. He examines post-pandemic excess deaths here and here, management of symptoms which may be related to COVID vaccinations here, and questions “Euthanasia in the pandemic” here. (In this last video he observes, “It’s actually quite disturbing to think that potentially a lot of people that could have survived didn’t survive as a result of the medical interventions that they received.”)
We are on the verge of a global reckoning of victims … victims of real illness and victims of medical lies and political manipulation. Beyond exposing those lies, Dr. John Campbell incorporates the zeitgeist of a generation who have been the unwilling victims of medical experimentation. It’s time for the world to react to his voice.
Dr. John Campbell Leads the Charge for a Global Reckoning of Everything COVID (theepochtimes.com)