March 26, 2025
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Ralph M yers
Ralph M yers
11 years ago

I agree 100% with Dr. Carson’s comments he expressed on the O’Reilly Factor concerning what is happening in America today and the similarities of what happened in Nazi Germany in the 30’s and 1940’s. I wrote an article about this very subject and posted it on my blog Write Thoughts on Jannuary 8, 2014. If you are interested in reading it please click on the following link,
Ralph Myers

Ralph M yers
Ralph M yers
11 years ago

Dear Susan:

Thank you for your comments. You can be assured I will continue to blog and express my opposition to most, if not all of all of Obama’s Liberal positions that are leading to a complete and destructive downfall of American Right’s and liberties as we know them to be.

Below, I have pasted one of your comments into this message which is right on point about those obsessed with food and how they want to limit what all Americans eat or drink even though it is our choice to eat or drink whatever we choose even if it is unhealthy and decreases our life span, besides given the current political environment in America today I’m glad that at 72 years of age I won’t live to see a America that no longer has its constitutional rights and freedoms. I refer to them as “Food Nazi’s” (borrowed from the old Seinfeld episode the Soup Nazi, can you say Mayor Bloomberg or Michelle Obama, Kathleen Sibelius and many others?)
“The “health obsessed” people who are convinced that people who smoke or drink or eat white sugar or drink large soda’s should be eliminated from society (no matter how nicely they say it, that’s what they mean.) They don’t even realize they are following Nazi culture”.

Ralph L Myers

10 years ago

Islam is the greatest threat to the entire world.In the past Obama has been reported meeting with the muslim brotherhood on CBN news several times.ISIS has massacred murdered crucified and beheaded Iraqui Christians children and even toddlers. They are carrying out genocide just as the Nazis.. Boko Haram is another problem in Africa.The War against hamas is yet another. Joel Rosenberg reports this is all about Jerusalem.In the Bible it is written near the time of the end He would make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for the entire world and behold it is.Islam is also active in Britain and in France.Jewish folks are fleeing. 400 jews landed in Israel in recent weeks from france and more are planning to do so on their own terms rather than flee for their lives!! It cannot be any plainer.Walid shoebat used to be a young “Palestinian ” terrorist & has been reporting what the arabs say and what they mean for many years.He can be found on IsraelNational as well as ZolaLevittMinistries. Islam is how the LORD is chastising the entire world & its adherentsare in power in this nation.Today is Sept 1 2014. It is a day of prayer for many to pray for Jerusalem. We all need to do the same.Tomorrow pray for God’s mercy on the US!! And YES in the Name of Jesus Christ!