March 26, 2025
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9 years ago

Best article I have ever read concerning the Mission of Obama and his Administration. Absolutely Brilliant.

9 years ago

This is by far the Best Article I have read in a long while. This Article is certainly the Best Expose of Obama and his Administration and their Goals ever written. My hat is off to the Author….Susan D. Harris.

9 years ago

Ma’ am your article is very good for the most part. However you like so many others are describing the symptoms and not the cause. The engine that drives all the many facets of our destruction is call the Trialteral Commission and they came into existence in 1973. Those who founded it were working in that direction for many years. If you or your readers would like to know the whole story go to and read everything there. You will come away with a knowledge as to who they are.

Alleged Comment
Alleged Comment
9 years ago

THERE is the communist manifesto and you can see lieberals are following to the letter.

I like the way someone put it. Communist, the left, Demoncraps, etc., are like the awa crab. When one tries to escape the bucket the rest pull it down.

That is what Demoncraps and lieberals are doing to the West, Britain and America in particular. They want US to become like the rest of the world in human misery and suffering.