By Susan D. Harris
God blessed this country because its laws were founded on the basic premise that we were endowed by Him with certain unalienable rights. Everything cultivated and harvested beyond that was a result of that acknowledgment.
While polls show that many people believe we are living in the end times, one has to wonder why they don’t act like it?
I recently saw a man in a business suit standing on the lawn across from the post office, reading the Bible loudly and telling anyone who would listen that judgment was coming to America. I smiled at his boldness. He was eventually hustled away by police as onlookers scoffed at him. I couldn’t help but think, “At least he answered when God said “Shout!” I was proud yet disappointed to be the only one yelling “Amen!”
There is a time to offer God quiet reverence and whispered heartfelt prayers, and a time for shouting God’s truths and answering his call to action…despite reluctance or personal inhibitions. It is time to come out of the belly of the fish and go to Nineveh with the newfound resolve of Jonah.
How shall we start? Whether one believes we are living in the end times or not, our stay here is brief and opportunities to make a difference are given to each of us. While considering the dangers of approaching strangers, giving up our anonymity or publicly voicing our opinions, it’s time to make hay while the sun shines. The time is not yet come to withdraw to a secret cave, but rather to publicly defend our faith and our constitutional liberties from those trying to destroy them. Why millions of outraged Americans have not yet been successful in demanding articles of impeachment on our current President is a staggering conundrum to me.
With prayerful strength we should stand behind those dwindling few in public office, both nationally and locally, who support Judeo-Christian values and constitutional precepts. It’s time to leave our comfort zones as we remember that Christians and freedom fighters in other countries are regularly being killed for their beliefs. How small our efforts seem in comparison, even as we shrink from sticking our necks out.
Each of us must decide in our own soul what our calling is in these perilous times, but one thing is certain: The time for business as usual is over. We need drastic, bold, life-changing prayers and action to save this country. As cathartic as they are – tweets, internet comments and Facebook posts are a waste of time unless they lead to real change. Taking two minutes out of our day to lambast the president on Twitter doesn’t seem to be translating into a game plan. With each action we take, each contact we make, we should be trying to actually accomplish something.
It’s time to “break the glass in case of emergency.” Let’s break out the big, giant, audacious prayers – not only for our country, but in our personal lives as well. Nowhere in the Bible does God tell us to keep our prayers “within reason.” God wants the big stuff. He wants us to pray huge prayers that are beyond our reason or grasp…because nothing is beyond His.
(Originally published in Renew America)