March 26, 2025
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Barb Miller
Barb Miller
11 years ago

This is an excellent Christmas Season article. I can ‘see’ the little boy being snatched from impending disaster and the mother’s gratefulness. I believe that God sends his Angels to protect us all. I fully believe that Angels have saved me many times from impending danger on the road. During this Christmas Season let us gather with our family, friends and loved ones to celebrate each other. Let us not forget those who have sacrificed their ‘all’ to keep our country safe from terror. Remember those families who have lost so much during this last year and pray that God continues to protect them and give them the strength they need to carry on with their lives. You have hit upon a wonderful subject and I thank you for the opportunity to have read it. May we all keep Christ in Christmas and throughout our lives and pray that God protects us all. God Bless.

Carl Jarosz
Carl Jarosz
11 years ago

Ms. Harris: I read your ‘angels’ article on the Amer. Thinker site today. Allow me to emphatically say that I, too, believe in guardian angels. And mine also saved my life not long ago, just as yours did to you.
Growing up Catholic, but not longer attending that taken over by socialists Church, I was raised believing in spirits – everywhere! There’s something to that, I contend. I’ll be glad to share some experiences if you desire another person’s word to support you.
Keep up the stimulating articles in Amer. Thinker. That website is one of the most cerebral of all conservative-leaning sites I know of these days.
Take care,
Carl Jarosz
Columbus, IN

John Haas
John Haas
11 years ago

Google: John Haas, 4 wheel drive angels