And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
By Susan D. Harris
I was living in a small town that had only two watering holes; one of which was a rundown VFW post. It was a low point in my life. I had recently broken up with my fiancé and was on my way to drown my sorrows at a bar at a nearby town; away from questioning friends and pitying faces. This town sat on a main route across the state, and although its sidewalks were empty, the traffic was necessarily heavy.
As is the way when youth overdramatizes love, I felt as though my broken heart outweighed the problems of the world. In a mental fog, I trudged down the sidewalk towards the bar. Suddenly, a little boy who had just learned to use his legs darted out from a building to cross the sidewalk ahead of me. He was headed for the busy street where cars were racing to outsmart the yellow light. Without even thinking, I ran for the tot. As his little foot stepped off the curb, I snatched him to safety. I heard a scream and turned to see his mother, the owner of a nearby Chinese restaurant, scooping him up in her arms. She was yelling in Chinese, and the only thing I understood was, “Thank you! Thank you!” as she nodded toward me. Clutching him almost tighter than he could bare, she and the little one disappeared back into the restaurant.
I couldn’t help wondering if I had just saved a life. “Is this how miracles happen?” I wondered. “In the blink of an eye? No fanfare? Just a split second reaction and on we go with our lives? Are modern day miracles cloaked with mundanity?” In the years that followed, I often thought of that little boy; how our lives intersected at that moment much like the roads met at that intersection. I considered myself honored to have been given the chance to help just one person. If Clarence the angel could take me back in time, like he did George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” what would I see? What if I hadn’t been in that town, on that sidewalk, at that moment? What if I had never been born?
I knew that God often used regular people to work Guardian angel like miracles; but I also knew that Guardian Angels were real. I knew because like George Bailey, I had personally encountered one — though I never saw him.
It was a dark night, and I was driving alone down a long, bleak country road. It ended at a “T” with a left turn only. To turn right you had to veer down a separate, one-way, heavily wooded blind curve. As I came upon the curve, a voice said, “Pull to the right.” My face contorted with confusion, and I ignored the disembodied directive. The next time it was louder and more urgent: “Pull to the right!” Now my heart was pounding. I gently turned my steering wheel to the right. “This is crazy,” I said out loud as I pulled my car toward the shoulder. No sooner had I done this than I heard, “Farther!” With eyes as big as saucers, I immediately yanked the wheel to the right. At that very instant, a car came at me head-on like a bullet. It was driving the wrong way and barely swerved within a hairs’ breadth to avoid me. Though it happened in a split second blur, the image of our side mirrors barely grazing each other is forever frozen in my mind. I sat there motionless wondering what had just happened. I was overcome with emotion as I realized something supernatural had just happened to me — little insignificant me. I thanked God. As I pondered the situation later, I realized I had not heard the voice with my ears; I’d heard it in my head. It was, however, no less real or articulated than an audible voice.
While that was the only time I actually heard a clearly spoken directive, it would prove to be one of many unexplained and often miraculous events in my life.
Was I more blessed than others to have these things happen, or did I simply recognize them for what they were; while others passed off their miracles as nothing more than luck or intuition?
I am constantly amazed that the good and evil that surrounds us every day isn’t enough for many Americans. Instead, they are increasingly infatuated with vampires, witches, or mediums with spirit guides named after Indian Chiefs. They are willing to shell out money to have a spiritualist puff up their pride by telling them about their “previous lives.” This usually includes something grand and romantic…like a brave medieval knight. (Notice there is always a brave knight instead of a pauper who died of the plague.) Meanwhile, they seem oblivious to the fact that they are swirling in the midst of an epic battle between angels and demons that are not of Ron Howards making.
I believe angels are everywhere. The Bible tells us we may stumble across them without even knowing it:
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2)
We see a suggestion of “personal angels” in the verse:
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 18:10)
The book of Hebrews says of angels, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”
Whether ministering spirits, messengers, or soldiers of God, accounts of them have been documented for thousands of years. Who hasn’t envisioned the angels appearing to the shepherds as they announced the birth of Christ? While we can only imagine the scene, we do know that it was so shocking that the angels immediately told the shepherds: “Don’t be afraid!”
Whether it be angels, Jesus, the Holy Spirit or God himself who whispers in our ears, one thing is certain: If people truly recognized the extent of spiritual activity that is interwoven through their everyday lives — fictionalized beings like gothic gargoyles and valiant vampires would pale in comparison.
As Christians embrace this holy season, and exchange Christmas cards embossed with what Rev. Peter Marshall called “angels in evening dress with peroxide permanents” – let us also see the angels and miracles in our everyday lives. We may find we’re giving “luck” too much credit.
Original article appearing in American Thinker:
NOTE: Please see the Comments section on American Thinker to read other’s personal miracles and encounters with the divine:
Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,
The bird of dawning singeth all night long.
And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad.
The nights are wholesome. Then no planets strike,
No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm,
So hallowed and so gracious is that time. (Hamlet, Act I, Scene I)
This is an excellent Christmas Season article. I can ‘see’ the little boy being snatched from impending disaster and the mother’s gratefulness. I believe that God sends his Angels to protect us all. I fully believe that Angels have saved me many times from impending danger on the road. During this Christmas Season let us gather with our family, friends and loved ones to celebrate each other. Let us not forget those who have sacrificed their ‘all’ to keep our country safe from terror. Remember those families who have lost so much during this last year and pray that God continues to protect them and give them the strength they need to carry on with their lives. You have hit upon a wonderful subject and I thank you for the opportunity to have read it. May we all keep Christ in Christmas and throughout our lives and pray that God protects us all. God Bless.
Well said, sister-by-proxy. 😉
Ms. Harris: I read your ‘angels’ article on the Amer. Thinker site today. Allow me to emphatically say that I, too, believe in guardian angels. And mine also saved my life not long ago, just as yours did to you.
Growing up Catholic, but not longer attending that taken over by socialists Church, I was raised believing in spirits – everywhere! There’s something to that, I contend. I’ll be glad to share some experiences if you desire another person’s word to support you.
Keep up the stimulating articles in Amer. Thinker. That website is one of the most cerebral of all conservative-leaning sites I know of these days.
Take care,
Carl Jarosz
Columbus, IN
Thank you Mr. Jarosz. Though raised Protestant, I agree that Catholics have historically been raised with a greater awareness of the spiritual activity around them. That, along with the dogma and reverence of the Catholic church, is something Protestants can learn from. I agree with what you say about the present-day situation in the Catholic church; just as I realize that many Protestant churches have embraced an irreverent, party-like atmosphere that amount to nothing more than social clubs.
If you would like to post your experiences here for others to read, it would be a great testimony. Many people posted on American Thinker, and it made greater reading than my original article!
God Bless you and your family at this Holy Season.
Google: John Haas, 4 wheel drive angels