By Susan D. Harris
The Archbishop of Canterbury justified a possible meeting with President Trump (apparently to appease those who might consider it abhorrent behavior for someone of the archbishop’s position) by rationalizing that he meets lots of people he disagrees with, including mass murderers. The Most Reverend Justin Welby went on to say that it’s his job to do this as he testifies to the love of Christ and “draws people in a different way” — in which it seems he means in a different direction than the one they are headed. If you read his original remarks as reported on ITV, I think you’ll agree with my paraphrasing.
You might also agree that one can easily deduce that the controversial principle leader of the Church of England is comparing the democratically elected President of the United States to mass murderers. Additionally, he seems to be contradicting our presidents own claim of being a Christian — because it sounds as if the archbishop wants to pull Trump “to the love of Christ” — inferring Trump does not now know the love of Christ.
The original Associated Press (AP) article focused mainly on the archbishop’s remarks during an ITV interview in which he stated “he ‘really genuinely’ can’t comprehend why fundamentalists have provided such a strong base for Trump.” (In the same interview, and in his usual way of playing the sneering globalist who chases everyone with a hot poker, he also made controversial remarks on Brexit, the Irish border dispute, and the British economy.)
The Drudge report chose to link to the NBC story, which was the original Associated Press story with a little tweaking. One sentence in the NBC story stuck out like no other:
He (the archbishop) noted that he’s met with worse people than the president of the United States.
This didn’t sound like the good journalism of yesteryear (God rest it’s soul.) It’s a pretty heavily weighted sentence to be thrown in the middle of a straight news story with no direct attributable quote from the archbishop to back it up. But had the archbishop really said something so similar as to justify such a broad, geopolitically demeaning sentence; or was something taken slightly out of context? I can’t be sure, as of this writing, because I can’t find the entire interview online. However, it still struck me as odd until I glanced at the bottom of the report which said that NBC intern Yelena Dzhanova had “contributed to the story.” (Later it was switched to say only, “Contributor: Yelena Dzhanova.”)
A quick search found the Baruch College grad on LinkedIn. Another quick search revealed the kind of liberal snowflakes NBC is hiring to tweak their AP stories into particularly loathsome anti-Trump drivel. In a digital media project for Baruch, still published online, we see Ms. Dzhanova’s “Abstract Response to The Handmaid’s Tale,” which no doubt reflects her own views. In it she says:
In the beginning, women created the earth…and women said ‘let there be light’…and women said ‘let there be a firmament…let there be land and water and grass and a fruit tree’…and women said ‘let there be day and night’…and women then said ‘go forth, be fruitful and multiply.’ Multiply, create more humankind or don’t. The choice is yours. If you marry among one another…and a heterosexual marriage can dilute or eliminate a lesbian experience…You are given no boundaries, no constraints, no borders, no boxes, no limits. Now that you have risen, you can live on this earth and depend on one another…
At the end of the short, chaotic, social justice rant, Dzhanova credits “Compulsory Heterosexuality and the Lesbian Existence,” “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and “Identity, Complicity and Resistance in The Handmaid’s Tale.”
I wonder if Dzhanova would be so bold as to rewrite portions of the Quran instead of the Bible to better fit her LGBT, feminist agenda?
It seems it was also NBC writer Dzhanova who tweaked the end of the AP article adding: “Though he said he’d meet Trump, (the archbishop) also said, ‘It’d be unlikely I’d do more than shake hands with him.’”
Overall one can see that despite the archbishop’s comments being overtly insulting to a sitting U.S. president and the people who elected him, NBC news has no problem hiring interns so steeped in pre-existing agenda’s that they can easily grind salt into an existing AP story — just to make sure any open wounds are painfully exploited to their full potential.