By Susan D. Harris
Syracuse, New York ran into the arms of Agenda 21, embracing it like a long lost friend. With Syracuse University as it’s liberal nucleus, it’s not surprising that the city would openly accept a United Nations push for global dominance and the loss of America’s sovereignty.
In 2008, Richard Smardon of the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry wrote a paper openly comparing the local Agenda 21 sustainability plans between North America, Europe and India; lamenting the plans were not being implemented fast enough. Over four years ago he lamented: “Close to 60,000 sustainability plans have been prepared for European communities versus about 100 for North American communities.”
As the plan has begun with wide, new, bright green bike paths lining the downtown streets, the city is rumored to be on the verge of bankruptcy. Despite this, spending money on things like bike paths is now a priority. The construction area for installing the bike paths had snarled traffic for months at a busy intersection where much of the local population tries to get to hospitals and doctors appointments.
Syracuse is also the beloved hometown of former DNC chair and champion Clinton fundraiser, Terry McAuliffe whose minions still canvass the area to fill Democratic coffers to implement their progressive agenda at both local and national levels. Bill and Hillary Clinton have spent enough time here over the years to have claimed residence. Throw in the fact that Alec Baldwin haunts the neighborhoods while visiting his dear old mum, and you’ve got a giant Progressive playpen brimming with sustainable green babies. Like a giant hogweed, Agenda 21 has consumed every crack, alley, and level of government in Syracuse and New York State.
While the roots of Agenda 21 in Syracuse go back to the early 1990′s, it wasn’t until 2007 that Syracuse came into the light and launched a marketing effort to champion their “environmental efforts.” By 2008, Popular Science ranked it #17 on their list of “America’s 50 Greenest Cities.” Later that year during a visit from former Senator Hillary Clinton and former Governor David Patterson, a large banner was hung over the town square proclaiming their new name,”Syracuse: The Emerald City.” Unfortunately for rabid local green activists, other cities were also clamoring after that venerated nickname.
Destiny USA, an expansion to Syracuse’s former Carousel Mall, is a regional shopping and entertainment complex originally planning to use “greenbuiding,” construction powered by renewable resources. Plagued by financial scandals for years, it sits on what was formerly known as “oil city,” an area that consisted of several square blocks of old oil tanks and a landfill. Topping it off, Destiny sits on the banks of Onondaga Lake, which has been called “the most polluted lake in America,” despite ongoing attempts to clean it up. In short, many residents snickered at the idea of being heralded as a “green city.”
Meanwhile, gangs, drugs and crime plague the city and “overnight stabbings” are reported every morning as unremarkably as “overnight showers”on the weather report. With all this in mind, the city still wears their green badge of honor as they struggle to save the planet instead of their people.
Taking Agenda 21 apart locally is like trying to untangle an octopus. The confusing part is that each tentacle goes by a different name, making it hard to put the pieces together.
From the Syracuse Bike Paths link on the city website, for instance, you end up at Smart Growth America where you’ll find the National Complete Streets Coalition. According to the Syracuse city website, the bike plan was birthed when New York State signed on to the Complete Streets mandate outlined at SmartGrowthAmerica.org. Smart Growth America is where you’ll find facts on the National Complete Streets Coalition, which has within it’s mission statement a coincidentally cloned phrase Michelle Obama used to describe what her husband planned to do to America: “…the National Complete Streets Coalition seeks to fundamentally transform the look, feel, and function of the roads and streets in our community, by changing the way most roads are planned, designed and constructed.” Sooner or later you realize that your neighborhood bike paths weren’t just the work of local Mayberry residents working to ensure that Opie and his friends were peddling home safely. Indeed, it turns out “Big Brother” is concerned about Opie’s all over the country: “In late 2010, The National Complete Streets Coalition launched a three-year plan to assure lasting change by establishing effective policies at the FEDERAL LEVEL, in 25 states, and 200 local jurisdictions.”
As we pull off another tentacle, we find Syracuse’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability which used precedents from New York City, Montreal and Copenhagen “where bicycles have an identity on the streets.” Who knew bicycles were having an identity crisis?
From Smart Growth America, we also find the New York link to Empire State Future, A Project of the Tides Center. The Tides Center is, of course, part of the Tides Foundation, the most powerful force behind the spread of Progressivism in the world.
Grappling with yet another Agenda 21 tentacle, you’ll find The Conservation Fund, which has grabbed (sorry “protected”) nearly 450,000 acres in New York State with the help of the state DEC. That land is being managed in accordance with ”Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standards” and restricts all future development and subdivision of the property. In summation, New Yorkers have let their land be given up to the international horse thieves at the United Nations.
Most Syracuse residents are either unaware of Agenda 21 or are so engrossed in the progressive agenda already that they’d be thrilled to find out the United Nations backed their efforts.
While the tentacles are confusing, once you start looking it doesn’t take long to find out what’s going on behind the scenes in your community. Everything you need to know about Agenda 21 in your hometown is located on greentowns.com where you will find the list of ICLEI (International Chapter(s) for Local Environmental Initiatives) around the country. You’ll probably even find your local Farmer’s Market registered there, though they’ve been flourishing in America without government promotion since the founding of the country. Founded in 1990, ICLEI has been infiltrating cities with all the cunning of a Communist agitator for more than two decades. While “green power” has been called the “fourth wave” of technology, it seems more appropriate to call it the “fifth column.”
For me it is too late. I am Carl Phillips from H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds, relating only what I see from the scene, where a strange object has crashed from the sky in Grover’s Mill, NJ. To those of you who are still listening , you will hear many men like Princeton professor Richard Pierson, dismissing the idea of life on Mars, or more accurately, the dangers of Agenda 21. The bottom line is…it’s time to act to stop this unholy invader. If you live in an area where the enemy has not yet landed, you might be the only hope of saving America. If you do, remember those us at Grover’s Mill…and Syracuse NY.