CONSERVATIVE OPINION WRITER / JOURNALIST / PHOTOGRAPHER: Harris work has appeared on The Blaze, Daily Caller, WND, The Epoch TImes, The Federalist, The Washington Times, Renew America, America's Civil War Magazine, American Thinker, and other publications/websites. This is a compilation of her published work.
Dear Susan,
You are the BEST!!!
May God Bless You!!!!
Happy Memorial Day!!!
Wow! What an article. I was in the missions for five years, when I came back in 2011 I wondered what country I was in. Some of my friends said I was in danger being in the missions; but now I know here is the place of martyrdom. Christianity has a history that goes far beyond our young country.
Windbags Prevail
America has many forms of self-deception.
Grandiose schemes and dreams abound…
Many offered or foisted, ‘for our own good’?
Denial, an ever present protective cocoon.
Truth so poorly tolerated, is an underdog.
The faint and quiet voice called Reason, a
weary whisper in roaring winds of rhetoric.
Will the children of Future’s heart be heard?
As their parents seem blind again to truth, and
sad humanity stays covered with war blood…
Mankind’s prayers and sincere longings might,
Re-kindle the hope for God’s smile’s warmth,
as men search and grasp for Grace in the dust.
We worship our smarmy smug celebrity gods.
Thank you for your input. Personally my faith is strong, but I do not think God is going to step in and save us as a nation.I do think, however, that we will have to answer for what we have allowed.
Hello Susan. Your lines could not have been in more perfect symmetry to my own heart and mind. But I wonder if there wasn’t at least one more erosive, albeit popular, constituent in the American cultural mores these days. I have in mind the free dispensation of sperm in the sperm banks which delivers children who may never know their fathers. The damage to the psyches of these children as they grow up is immense and irreparable. But this is never a factor that may trump the mother’s immediate emotional impulse. Your family may have known serious poverty, but here you have a poverty of another and far more insidious order.
Well I don’t know if we knew “serious” poverty, there is worse than we experienced.
However, you make a very good point. I was recently reading Melissa Etheridge was getting married for the third time – everyone was rejoicing at her good fortune. Forget the fact that in her two previous lesbian love-trysts she had her women artificially inseminated and produced fatherless children. Now she’s starting on her third woman.
I know you weren’t mentioning homosexuals in particular, but if you look at all the homosexuals and heterosexuals using these sperm banks to fulfill their own selfish wishes, it is staggering. Thank you for making such a thought-provoking point. I will consider it for a future article.
Be very careful, kid. An article in this vein, however much supported by professional behavioral therapists, will bring down upon you the unforgiving wrath of the blindly hating ultra-liberal leftist crowd. At the same time, however, you would be promised the attention (and respect) of the deep conservative undercurrents still alive in your country and who will yet have their day.