By Susan D. Harris
Yesterday in the National Review, Deroy Murdock nailed it. His article, titled “The United States of Decline” with the subheading, “America unravels at an increasingly dizzying pace,” succinctly laid out why we’re headed for doom.
The day before, the Drudge Report ran a headline from Fox News that read: “Republicans: Obama Violating Constitution, but little can be done about it.” The article elaborated:
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, told “Fox News Sunday” that congressional Republicans think the president abused the government’s separation of powers by using the executive orders to sidestep Congress and delay the law’s employer mandate. However, he said critics would be challenged to win in court because Congress lacks the so-called “legal standing” to present the case and they would have a “tough time” finding somebody hurt enough by the delays to be a good plaintiff.
Well, I guess that’s it then. Remember to turn out the lights when you leave. Apparently the Constitution provided no recourse for an executive power grab, especially when the legislative and judicial branches are corrupt beyond repair. The truth is, as Rush Limbaugh stated on his Monday radio program, there are no Conservatives left in Washington. In other words, there is no one fighting for the Constitution anymore, except a valiant handful who are being held back by their colleagues at every turn.
We can’t have any legitimate investigations or special counsels appointed, because it would be equivalent to putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
Murdock’s article further said:
“…new Congressional Budget Office figures show that Obamacare will reduce U.S. incomes by $70 billion annually between 2017 and 2024. The CBO also estimated that by 2021, Obamacare’s disincentives to hire and incentives not to work would slash labor hours by the equivalent of 2.3 million jobs. Rather than dispute these figures, key Democrats embraced them. “We want people to have the freedom to be a writer, to be a photographer, to make music, to paint,” said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. She added that “people would no longer be job-locked by their [health] policies, but have the freedom to follow their passion.”
Well Ms. Pelosi, maybe you are right. I took some time out from standing in line at the Food Bank to write a poem. Perhaps I can get Hillary to recite it. She did so well with James Cleveland’s “I Don’t Feel Noways Tired.”
By Susan D. Harris
A word divinely inspired Carefully crafted; the same visions that drove Joan of Arc across Orleans With passion and piety Now fill my head with cries of “Liberty! Our enemies rise up before us Like resurrected bones our foes Assemble in Megiddo’s dust. We feebly fight with feckless words As if our adversary had wit and reason. Have we not defeated despots past? Lexington and Concord; at the Marne And the bulging forest at Ardennes; Sicily, Soreno, Normandy all stained With blood and fertile ashes of courage! History is strewn with defeated demagogues — The shadows of Caesar and Nero roam In search of empires that are no more; While Pharaoh’s ghost surveys the sea For thundering chariots silenced by its swell. Who bravely raises De Tocqueville’s sword In democracy’s sweet sentimental defense? How long can this Republic stand When powerless patriots guard weakened walls? I ask…Who will mourn when this Republic falls? The coliseum lions are loosed once more The last bastion of Christianity, breached by traitors Wrestles to free itself from the tearing teeth of tyrants. Will some epiphany of outrage rise To salvage centuries of sacrificial sweat? God! Let Judeo-Christian principles prevail And Freedom’s torch be passed once more. With stakes so high, we’ll not fail those who’ve died, Nor surrender our souls and whimper “we tried.” With one last breath we cry: “Freedom!”
I enjoyed your article and your website. I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find a copy of the poem the republics last prayer.
Thank you
Joseph Miller
Mr. Miller,
I received your comment on The Republic’s Last Prayer. I did indeed write it, and you are welcome to reprint it or share it anywhere – extracted from the article, so long as my name accompanies it.
Thank you for visiting. It was my hope that the poem would express the feelings of many Americans.
Blessings to you,
Susan D. Harris
I am posting an email I received from Mr. Miller, as it expresses so many peoples’ feelings, and we are thankful for his father’s service:
Ms. Harris
I have reprinted your poem with credit given to you as you asked.
This is a very stirring poem and struck a chord in me. We indeed live in perilous times with respect to our nations future!
My recently deceased father was a wwII vet that put his life on the line 32 times as a navigator and bombardier over Europe.
I only hope I will be able to carry on the torch of true freedom in Christ for my daughters and granddaughters as my father did for our family!
Thank you
Joseph Miller